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Products for Filtration, Separation, Sifting and Printing

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Many Dyeing Companies shut down for environmental protection

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Due to the fast development of factories producing industrial and home textile, dyeing factories also go up with them to provide the service of dyeing the fabrics into different colors.

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Screen Printing on Glass and Ceramics

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Today, screen printing continues to play a significant role in the production of glass & ceramic products for both industrial and consumer applications. Screen printing is unique because the process can overcome two significant challenges faced by glass decorators:

- Able to print on unlimited sizes, 3D objects, uneven surfaces
- Deliver thick, opaque ink deposits that often contain glass frit/precious metals

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DUANWU or Dragon Boat Festival falls on today---June 2nd, 2014 on Solar Calendar or May 5th, 2014 on Chinese Lunar Calendar. SHARE would like to take this opportunity to wish all our hard-working staff a very HAPPY HOLIDAY, without your hard-work, SHARE could not achieve what we have today; And we also like to wish all our clients from home and abroad a HAPPY HOLIDAY.

We are closed from 31th, May to 2nd, June 2014 for the celebration of the holiday.

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After several days' work, SHARE has officially launched her new logo.

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Screen-printing on Clay

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Screen-Printing on Clay

There are multitudes of ways to decorate the surface of clay.  The various techniques and materials are almost never-ending and 
always changing.  Screen-printing, or silk-screening, is a stencil method of printing a flat color design through a piece of silk or other 
fine cloth on which all parts of the design not to be printed have been stopped out by an impermeable film.  Silk-screening has been 
used heavily in many industries for many years, but we have just recently started to see its use in fine art ceramics.  

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Filtration---What is filtration and how is it working

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Filtration is commonly the mechanical or physical operation which is used for the separation of solids from fluids (liquids or gases) by interposing a medium through which only the fluid can pass. The fluid that passes through is called the filtrate. Oversize solids in the fluid are retained, but the separation is not complete; solids will be contaminated with some fluid and filtrate will contain fine particles (depending on the pore size and filter thickness). Filtration is also used to describe somebiological processes, especially in water treatment and sewage treatment in which undesirable constituents are removed by absorption into a biological film grown on or in the filter medium as in slow sand filtration.

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How to convert micron into mesh size

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Mesh size is a measurement of the number of holes in a filter per a given area. In the United States, the standard area is 1 square inch. Microns are a measure of length equal to one millionth of a meter. Small particles are often measured in microns, therefore it is necessary to convert from microns to the corresponding mesh size when you need to determine which size of filter needs to be used to capture specific particles.

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Fabricated Mesh Filter Elements Filter Parts

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ther than producing filter mesh and filter felt, SHARE is also capable of fabricating various kinds of filter elements made of synthetic-fiber woven filter mesh (polyester filter mesh, polyamide/nylon filter mesh and polypropylene filter mesh). Our specially-designed machines and capabilities in production and fabrication enables us to make special mesh filters cut and fabricated to clients' needs.

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DIY Mesh Glue for Screen Printing

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DIY Mesh Glue for Screen Printing

Silk-screen printing is no longer an art form reserved for professional artists and large-scale printing operations with sophisticated production techniques. With a few basic supplies, such as plain white glue, and at a fraction of the cost, you can create your own design and produce silk screen images on fabric in an afternoon.

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Silk Screen FQA

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Silk screening, also called screen printing, is among the oldest printing methods, first appearing in China around 960 AD. Silk screen printing is a popular small business due to relatively small start-up costs and ease of learning the basic skills.

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Screen Printing Techniques

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A screen is made of a piece of porous, finely woven fabric called mesh stretched over a frame of aluminum or wood. Originally human hair then silk was woven into screen mesh, currently most mesh is made of man made materials such as steel, nylon, and polyester. Areas of the screen are blocked off with a non-permeable material to form a stencil, which is a negative of the image to be printed; that is, the open spaces are where the ink will appear.

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Happy International Labors' Day

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International Labors' Day fell on May 1st as always, this is the holiday to respect the value of our labors', wherever you are and whatever jobs you do, this is your holiday.

SHARE---Headquoter, and all her subsidiaries will be given three-day long holiday accoding to National Day Arrangement, from May 1st to May 3rd, during the holiday period, we will only receive orders and answer inquiries, but no production. All orders will be processed after May 3rd and distributed to all our production subsidiaries.

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Silk screening is enjoyed by many home hobbyists. But as a commercial and industrial printing method, it's a multibillion-dollar business. Although the process is now called "screen printing," as silk fabric for printing screens was replaced by polyester in the 1950s, the process is still commonly known as "silk screening."

Many beginners end up purchasing the wrong material, or mesh, for the job, resulting in bad prints and consequent frustration. But choosing the right mesh can be accomplished with a bit of painless education.

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What is half-tone?

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Halftones are a pattern of tiny dots that can simulate different shades of color using varing percentages of a single ink.

Visually, halftones create the illusion of a continuous tone image by using spots of varying size and density to represent darker or lighter color values.

 Halftones work by fooling the eye into seeing the combination of the ink color and the color of the shirt they are printed on. When seen from a distance, the colors blend together and the dots merge with the background color of the shirt. If you look closely at or magnify the print, the separate dots are quite clear. You can see good examples of halftones if you magnify a picture in a magazine or a print from a color printer or even if you look closely at your TV screen. All these are made up of tiny dots.

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