Products for Filtration, Separation, Sifting and Printing
Dear Customers, Suppliers and Friends.
We notify that our holiday have been prolonged due to the coronavirus outbreak in China, which has caused over 1,000 persons' lives and this number is increasing very day.
The coronavirus is very contagious and it is transmitting from person to person, in order to have the virus under control and infected patients cured and keep the virus from further spreading, our governments have ordered ban on people's travel and no gathering of people in public place, including factories, so we are not allowed to make production till notice from government is made permitting production.
Current status is that we hope to kick off production on 18th Feb. 2020 if our submission for production is approved by our local government. We will keep all of you updated. And the moment we start production, orders will be arranged without any delay and we will work overtime to catch up time we lost due to the virus outbreak.
We would like to extend our great appreciation to our clients, suppliers and friends for their offers of helps when the virus outbreak was rampant in China and their supports and understanding in terms of lead time extension.
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