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FIFA WORLD CUP 2014 has kicked off in Brazil---The Country of Football

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To football lover, it is a great news that FIFA WORLD CUP 2014 has kicked off in the Country of Football, where too many world-renowned football players are born and grown in this land.

Brazil is a great country rich not only in natural resources, beautiful beaches, gorgeous women, but also great football players. Football to Brazil is like what Pingpang to China, both are their National Ball, however, China is not short of football fans even though Chinese National Football Team sucks. When the FIFA WORLD CUP 2014 Open Ceremony has celebrated with broadcast all over the world, SHARE's people also gathered together and watched the open ceremony and drank beers to celebrate this great event, we have been looking forward to it for 4 years since last time it was held in South Africa.


We noticed some young office employees felt sleepy during the worktime today and we came to realization that they might be too high with Germany vs Portugal yesterday night and talked about how injust the referee was to Portugal National Team and they might prepare some beers tonight to watch another game Brazil vs Mexico; We understand how enthusiastic and crazy young employees are for football games, since this great even only happens in four years' time, so SHARE gives them more rest time at noon, so that they can refresh up at afternoon for their work.

SHARE hopes that the FIFA WORLD CUP will present the world a marvelous football matches.

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